After leaving or graduating from the program they are enrolled in er. In higher education institutions, horizontal transfers can be made from secondary education only to secondary education diploma programs. However, students who are in the top ten percent of their class in terms of success from the second education diploma programs and move to the upper class can transfer to the first education diploma programs within the quota. Transfers can be made from open or distance education to other open or distance education diploma programs. In lateral transfer with a central placement score, lateral transfer can be made to the same or a different department, provided that it is equal to or higher than the base score of the diploma program one wishes to pass.
- What are the necessary success conditions for horizontal transfer?
According to GPA, students must have a GPA of at least 60 in horizontal transfer. However, in accordance with Additional Article 1, for students who will transfer; If the student's central placement score in the year they are registered is equal to or higher than the base score of the diploma program they want to pass, no success condition is required.
- Does freezing my registration constitute an obstacle to enjoy the right of transfer?
No, freezing the registration does not prevent you from taking advantage of the horizontal transfer right.
- In which higher education institutions can students apply for lateral transfer based on their central placement score (Additional Article 1)?
Candidates enrolled in higher education institutions in our country and in the TRNC (except for the Spring semester) in the Student Selection and Placement System Higher Education Programs and Quotas Guide can apply. However, candidates who have enrolled in other higher education institutions abroad cannot apply.
- What are the requirements for lateral transfer according to the central placement score?
For lateral transfer according to the central placement score, the student's central placement scores in the year of registration must be equal to or higher than the base score of the year in which another diploma program entered. For example; If a student enrolled in the Business Administration (score type TM1) program has an MF4 score among the central placement scores and this student's MF4 score is equal to or higher than the base score of the Civil Engineering program that he/she wants to pass, he/she will be able to transfer within the framework of the application principles.
- Is it possible to apply to programs that accept students with a special talent exam based on their central placement score?
- How many times can students transfer according to their central placement score?
Students can only transfer once based on their central placement score. However, in accordance with the aforementioned article, students who have made a transfer to the higher education institution they were entitled to enroll in as a result of ÖSYS can return to the higher education institution on the next application date.
- Can students who have been placed by taking advantage of the exam-free transfer transfer according to their central placement score?
- When and where are transfer applications made according to the additional article?
In accordance with the Additional Article-1 Implementation Principles of YÖK, applications for the Fall semester are made to the Registrar's Office between 1-15 August. It is determined and announced by the Senate of our University whether students will be admitted with a central score in the spring semester.
- I am a second education student, can I proceed to primary education according to Supplementary Article 1?
If your Central Placement Score is equal to or higher than the base score of the department/program in the relevant year, you can pass within the quota.
- According to Additional Article 1, is it possible to switch from associate degree to license?
As long as your central placement score holds, you can switch from associate degree to undergraduate and from undergraduate to associate degree.
- I settled with DGS, can I transfer according to Additional Article 1?
The application is made to the students who are placed with DGS only by considering the places that the student can choose with the associate degree field and the DGS score in the DGS Guide of the relevant year. Students can transfer to the departments in the DGS Guide of the relevant year as long as they keep their score.
- After leaving or graduating from the program they are enrolled in What should those who re-enter ÖSYS and enroll in a new program do to be exempted from the courses they have already succeeded in the new program?
Student can apply to the department head of the unit he/she is registered with with a transcript (grade document), course contents and a petition stating that he/she wants to be exempted.
- Is there a certain deadline for applying for a course exemption? Is it possible to be exempted from all courses?
According to the 5th article of the Tarsus University Exemption and Adaptation Procedures Directive, the application for exemption is made in writing to the relevant Department Head within 5 (five) working days from the start of the first semester in which the student is registered. The relevant unit exemption and adjustment commissions decide which courses will be exempted from the students who request exemption by examining the course content and credit values. The exempted courses are announced to the students by the decision of the relevant unit. The exempted courses are recorded in the Student Information System as letter grades.
- When is the application for exemption from students coming by horizontal/vertical transfer done?
- Does the name of a course to be considered equivalent must be the same?
The name of a course to be considered equivalent does not need to be exactly the same as the course to be considered equivalent. In the course evaluation, it is sufficient that the credit and content of the previously taken course should be 75% compatible with the credit and content of the course to be exempted.
- Can I be exempted from the Common Compulsory Foreign Language Course?
For the students who are successful in our programs whose language of instruction is Turkish, the Foreign Language Course Exemption Exam is held by the Department of Common Courses on the date specified in the academic calendar. The place and time of the exam is announced to the students by the Head of the Common Courses Department. Students who get a score of 50 and above in this exam are exempt from English I and English II courses, and the grades received are converted into letter grades according to the 28th Article of the Tarsus University Associate and Undergraduate Education-Teaching and Examination Regulations and recorded on the transcript.
- Can I be exempted from the compulsory foreign language preparatory class?
Compulsory Foreign Language Preparatory Class exemption exam is given by the Department of Common Courses on the date specified in the Academic Calendar. The place and time of the exam is announced to the students by the Head of the Common Courses Department. The proficiency exam success grade for the preparatory class students of departments where the medium of instruction is partially foreign or Turkish is at least 60 out of 100 points, and at least 70 out of 100 for the preparatory class students of departments whose language of instruction is partially foreign.
- Is there an upper limit for the total credit hours of the courses in a semester?
According to article 19 (1) of Tarsus University Associate Degree and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations, a student can enroll in a maximum of 40 hours of courses in the relevant semesters with the approval of his/her general success and advisor/coordinator. However, 40 hours is not required for the courses that meet the attendance requirement of students who are in the last year of their maximum education period and students who are able to graduate at the end of that semester when they take all the courses.
- How much of a course does the student have to attend in the semester?
As per article 20 (1) of Tarsus University Associate Degree and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations, attendance is compulsory. Attendance status is monitored by the relevant instructor. It is compulsory for the students to attend the theoretical courses at least 70%, and not less than 80% for the applications. For students who enroll in a course and fulfill the conditions to take the exam, but are not successful, attendance from only theoretical courses is not required. However, it is required to continue practice, laboratory and other course-related studies.
- Should the failed course be taken first?
Unsuccessful courses must be taken first during registration renewal. Otherwise, the student automation program does this automatically.
- Can I take courses from the upper semesters?
According to article 19 (7) of Tarsus University Associate Degree and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations, undergraduate students must make a written request, and their advisors have positive opinions.Students can graduate in a shorter time by taking courses from the upper semester, provided that the course load is limited to 40 hours.
- What are the conditions for taking courses from the upper semesters?
In case the student succeeds by taking all of the previous semester's courses and has a GPA of 3.00 or above, the student can take courses or courses from the next semester provided that they take the courses of the current semester first and not exceed the 40-hour course load requirement.
- Can more than one group/branch be opened in courses? Can I change my group?
More than one group/branch can be created for a course with the decision of the unit Faculty/Vocational School board of directors. Submit your group change request to your department chair within the add-and-drop week specified in the academic calendar. If your department chair approves your group change request, group change can be made.
- Is there any criteria for the number of students in the course opening?
The number of students is not taken into account for the opening of compulsory courses. If the number of students enrolled in elective courses is less than ten, the unit (Faculty/Vocational School/Institute) administrative board may decide not to open this course. In case the number of registered students is insufficient or the course is not opened for other reasons; The enrollment of students whose registration is canceled within the week following the add-drop period is made by the administrative board of the unit (Faculty/Vocational School/Institute) with the recommendation of the student advisor.
- How can I access the course contents?
You can access the course contents of the department/program you want by clicking the page of the relevant academic unit (Faculty/Vocational School/Institute) on the website of our university. You can have the course contents approved by the department chair.
- Where can I solve my problems about syllabus and course content?
You can contact your department chair for your problems regarding the syllabus and course content.
- How is student success determined?
Student's success is determined by evaluating together the semester grades and the end of the semester, the end of the internship or the make-up exam grade. Semester grades consist of the grades given to assignments, applications, clinical, laboratory practice and similar studies, at least one of which is the midterm exam grade.
- Which students cannot take the final exam?
- How are exams evaluated and turned into success grades?
Midterm exams contribute 40% to the course success grade. The contribution of the final exam to the letter grade is 60%. It is obligatory to get 40 points out of 100 points from the final exam. Students who do not take the final exam or cannot score at least 40 in this exam are given a letter grade of (FF).
- After the announcement of the grades, within how many days can a petition for material error be submitted?
According to the 31st article of Tarsus University Associate Degree and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations, a petition for material error objection can be submitted to the relevant unit (Faculty/Vocational School) in writing within five business days following the announcement of the exam results. Evaluation of the material error objection is finalized within ten working days at the latest from the date of objection.
- Who is entitled to make-up exam? In which exams are excuses valid?
Students who cannot take the midterm exam due to a just and valid reason and whose excuses are accepted by the board of directors of the relevant unit (Faculty/Vocational School/Institute) are given the right to take a make-up exam. There is a make-up exam right only in midterms.
- In how many days should the reports received for the make-up exam be submitted?
According to Article 26(4) of Tarsus University Associate Degree and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations, it is necessary to apply to the department chair within five working days from the date of the exam, together with a document showing the excuse.
- When is the make-up exam held?
- Integration What are the conditions for taking the e exam?
Students can take the make-up exam for all courses that they failed the semester/end exam, were conditionally successful with a letter grade (DC), or did not take the semester/end exam. The grade obtained in the make-up exam replaces the semester/end exam grade.
- Who can attend the three course exams? When are the three course exams held?
According to the 25th article (1) of Tarsus University Associate Degree and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations, students who have a maximum of three courses left to graduate and have no other responsibilities (workplace education, etc.) Regardless of the period of the said courses, three course exams are given.
- When to apply for the three course exams?
For this exam, the student applies in writing to the relevant department chair within five working days after the announcement of the make-up exam results.
- What is the passing grade for the three course exams?
- Is it possible to object to the three course exam results?
As in other exams, a petition for material error can be filed by objecting to all three course exams.
- How do students studying in the second education enter the 10% success zone?
- What are the student benefits of entering the 10%?
Second school students who are successful in the minimum courses determined for each semester in their department, excluding the preparatory class, and who are in the top ten percent in the ranking to be made as of the end of the semester, according to the average of success of the students who took these courses, They pay the tuition fee equal to the student contribution they will pay.
- What are the requirements to be an Honor-High Honor Student?
Honor Student, who has not received any disciplinary punishments other than warnings during his university education, is within the normal duration of the program, has at least normal course load at the end of a semester and has an academic grade point average of 3.00-3.49 for that semester, 3.50 Those between -4.00 are considered High Honor Students. These students are awarded an Honor or High Honor certificate. However, students who have received disciplinary punishment or who have failed courses in any semester can not become an Honor Student or High Honor Student, even if they achieve the specified grade point average.
- I am a registered student at your university, can I cancel my registration?
The student who wants to leave the university fills the dismissal form and applies to the relevant unit. The student who leaves in this way is not re-registered, the tuition and fees paid are not refunded.
- In which cases is the student dismissed?
Being dismissed from the higher education institution as a result of the disciplinary investigation against him, determining that he is enrolled in two associate degree or two undergraduate programs at the same time, excluding open education programs without quota limitation, the maximum period has expired and the registration has not been duly made. In case of detection, the student is dismissed.
Summer school; It is an education program that is applied during the summer holidays, excluding the fall and spring semesters.
- Do summer schools always open?
The summer school is opened in accordance with the Senate's proposal, the permission of the Higher Education Council and the Budget Laws.
- Can I take summer education at different universities?
Students can take courses from the summer school opened in the equivalent programs of different universities, with the decision of the board of directors of their own unit (Faculty/Vocational School).
- How to apply for summer school?
Our students can take courses from other universities within the scope of summer school; course content and credits Provided that the equivalence of the student is suitable for the department/program they are enrolled in, they can receive it with the recommendation of the relevant Department and the permission of the Faculty/Vocational School board of directors.
- Is there an obligation to attend classes in summer education?
Even if a student meets the continuation requirement of the courses that he has taken and failed before in summer education, it is obligatory to attend the courses.
- How are disciplinary procedures handled?
- Is there a right to object to the disciplinary offense given?
You can apply to the court against the penalties in the regulation. An objection can be made to the University Administrative Board within fifteen days against the disciplinary punishments given by the disciplinary boards.
- Which rights cannot be used by those who receive disciplinary action?
Students who receive disciplinary punishment cannot benefit from their student rights during their suspension, the penalty is recorded on their student card and notified to the Higher Education Institution. See Higher Education Institutions Student Discipline Regulation on
- What are the conditions for graduation?
120 ECTS for associate degree students, 240 ECTS for undergraduate students who have successfully completed all courses, applications, internships and similar studies in the associate degree, undergraduate department/program they are registered with, and have a GPA of at least 2.00. The student who completes the course is entitled to graduate.
- What happens if a student enrolled in undergraduate education does not want to continue their education after a certain period of time? In which case is he entitled to receive an associate degree diploma?
Except those who are convicted of crimes against the personality of the state and those who have been suspended from higher education institutions by disciplinary punishment, those who are successful in all the courses of at least the first four semesters of an undergraduate program are awarded an associate degree diploma, in accordance with the relevant regulations.
- What procedures should a student do while getting his/her diploma?
If the student graduates, he/she can get his/her diploma after the Registrar's Office personnel check it over the system.
- Who can receive the diploma?
The student can receive his diploma in two ways, provided that the dismissal process is done. It can be obtained by itself or by the person to whom it is authorized with a notarized power of attorney.
- What to do in case of loss of diploma?
In case the student applies to the Registrar's Office with a letter of loss and a petition to the national newspaper regarding the loss of the diploma, a second copy of the diploma is issued and given to the student.
- What is a diploma supplement? How to get it?
Diploma Supplement-DE (Diploma Supplement-DS): In order to facilitate international transparency and recognition of academic and professional qualifications, in the framework of a model developed by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES, the diplomas of graduates of a higher education program are supplemented. It is a document that gives information about the quality, level, content and scope of the program that is given as a graduate program. Every graduate student is given a diploma supplement along with the diploma.
- Why should I choose Tarsus University?
Tarsus University, despite being a young university, has made a strong and dynamic development and has become a university that speaks of its success in a short time. Our university will provide you with a unique and competent education opportunity with its rich learning experience based on theory and practice, dynamic and strong academic staff, and elective courses for personal development. In other words, our university is an innovative, value-added and development-oriented university that contributes to the development and progress of humanity with quality education, original and advanced research, and produces services for the benefit of society in a respected cooperation. The main focus of our education is our students, and utmost care is given to help them discover themselves and to graduate competently and well-equipped in their field of education.
- What are the transportation possibilities to Tarsus?
The city of Tarsus has a geopolitical importance.p is half an hour away from both the airport and the city centers of Mersin and Adana. It is possible to reach the city center in a short time by Havaş Shuttles from the airport and high-speed trains from Mersin and Adana. Tarsus is a settlement located equidistant from Adana and Mersin provincial centers, and is a city with high accessibility by normal highway, highway and high-speed train transportation connecting these cities.
- Are the transportation facilities to the university sufficient?
Our university is located in the north of Mersin-Adana highway and is in an easy location to be accessed from these cities by highway, highway and high-speed train. After arriving in Tarsus with the said transportation facilities, it will be possible to easily reach our University with the Metropolitan Municipality buses, which have a high passenger carrying capacity. The frequency of the said public transportation vehicles has been increased over time, and our students will not encounter any problems at the point of transportation.
- What will Tarsus contribute to my personal development socially and culturally?
Tarsus; It is an ancient city that stands out with its geographical location advantage, population of more than 54 provinces, proximity to Çukurova Regional Airport, which is under construction, and historical and cultural richness. The fact that it has a population of more than 54 provinces has also enabled the social and cultural development of the city. Many cultural and social organizations such as operas, theaters and concerts are held in the city, organized by various institutions and organizations. In addition, its proximity to the provincial centers of Mersin and Adana will allow you to benefit from all the social, cultural and economic opportunities of these two cities with a total population of 4 million. As a matter of fact, festivals such as Orange Blossom, Limon Blossom, Citrus Fruits, Millionfest and Shaymana are held in both cities, and many social and cultural events are held. The shopping center in the city provides services in social and cultural areas as well as meeting the shopping and dining needs of students. In addition, since the distance of our city to the sea and the plateaus is very short, you will have the opportunity to experience all four seasons at the same time.
- Are the rents and living conditions compelling in Tarsus?
Tarsus is a very livable city with its geographical location and climate. These advantages not only make living conditions easier, but also make the city more advantageous in terms of economy. Rents are at a reasonable level, and the economic value of the necessary expenses for living, depending on the development of agriculture and transportation, is quite low compared to other cities.
- Is there a dormitory facility?
There are three dormitories in Tarsus that belong to the General Directorate of Credit and Dormitories (KYK). Although the capacity of these dormitories is high, there are also private dormitories in the city.
- Is there any opportunity to eat at the university?
Our university has a cafeteria for lunch, and our students are offered four-course meals for a small fee. We also have canteens in our campus.
- Are there any Student Clubs at the University?
We have student clubs and student societies established within our university that appeal to all students. If our students want to establish a club, a faculty member is appointed as a consultant for the club in question. If you want to get more detailed information about Student Clubs, the web page of the Department of Health, Culture and Sports of our University
(http://sks. You can visit the “Student Communities” section by entering