Contribution/Tuition Fee General Provisions

No Contribution Fee is charged from students who have been accepted for Horizontal Transfers from FOUNDATION or OVERSEAS Universities to the Primary Education Programs of our University, from those who study within the normal program period. Tuition Fee is collected from students whose transfers are accepted to the secondary education. 
• Second Education Students attending the optional preparatory class pay the Contribution/Tuition Fee of the Faculty to which they are registered.
• Optional preparatory class duration is 1 year. Students who fail at the end of the year continue their education by adapting to the 1st year. Students who wish can take preparatory education in the 2nd year, but they pay the tuition and tuition fee in the 2nd year and this period is deducted from the education period.
• The FIRST EDUCATION students who will enroll in our university and the FIRST EDUCATION students who will take part in the Normal Education Period of the Program they are studying and have to re-register will not pay the Contribution Fee. HOWEVER; Except for the Preparatory Class, the FIRST EDUCATION students who cannot graduate at the end of the NORMAL PROGRAM DURATIONS (4 semesters for two-year associate degree programs and 8 semesters for four-year undergraduate programs) from Higher Education Programs at Associate, Undergraduate and Graduate Levels are also CHARGED.
• SECOND EDUCATION students who will be newly registered at our university and still continuing their education will pay their tuition fees regardless of the Program Period.
• The student contribution fee of only one program in which the student is registered is covered by the State. In case of enrolling in a second higher education program (with the exception of double major programs) while enrolled in a program within the scope of primary and open education, the student contribution fees for the second program are paid by the students themselves.
• UNDERGRADUATE and ASSOCIATE GRADUATE Students who rank in the top 10% in II. EDUCATION Pay Tuition Fee equal to the I. Education Contribution Amount. (Note: The fact that the primary education students who are in the normal education period do not pay the contribution does not mean that these students will not pay as well.)       
• Students who transfer from the SECOND Curriculum to the FIRST Curriculum and the Students who Transfer from the Second Education Programs to the First Curriculum with a Central Placement Score are subject to the principles regarding the student contribution of the program they transferred.  
• Within the framework of the Decision Regarding the Determination of the Tuition Fees and Contributions to be Taken as Student Contribution to the Current Service Costs in Higher Education Institutions, the period to be taken as a basis for the State to cover the contribution fees of the students registered with the Vertical Transfer Exam is calculated by deducting the education period before registration.
• According to the Decision on Determination of Tuition Fees and Contributions to be Taken as Student Contribution to Current Service Costs in Higher Education Institutions, the previous semesters of students who transfer to the same diploma program are deducted from their education periods in calculating the period to be taken as a basis for the government to cover newly registered students within the scope of lateral transfer. Students who transfer to different diploma programs are calculated by taking into account the classes they are in.
• Contribution/tuition fees are determined by taking into account the previous education periods and course repetitions of students who return to education by benefiting from the amnesty. • The 'Certificate of Entitlement'
to be obtained from the Social Security Institution that he is a child of a martyr and veteran  .  Those Who Declare With Do Not Pay Contribution / Tuition Fee. (Original Documents Must Be Submitted during the registration period.)
• RESEARCH ASSISTANTS who are employed in State Higher Education Institutions, who have a postgraduate education in primary education and cannot graduate in the normal education period, do not pay a contribution based on the document they will receive in their institutions stating that they are Research Assistants.
• FROM DISABLED STUDENTS; In accordance with the Law on the Disabled and the regulation on the classification of the disability criteria and the health board reports to be given to the disabled, the students who bring a "Health Board Report" stating that they are disabled are given a Disability Rate Discount from the Contribution/Tuition Fee to be Paid. (The original of the Health Board Report must be submitted during the registration period.) DISABLED STUDENTS, who are in the primary education and submit the "Health Board Report", do not pay the Contribution Fee at the end of the Maximum Education Period.
• FOREIGN STUDENTS who will be newly registered at our university and still continuing their education are subject to the decisions of the University Administrative Board and to pay the CONTRIBUTION/TUITION FEE determined.
• Among the students of the Republic of Turkey and the Relative Community, who have just earned the right to register at our university and continue their education, students who receive higher education as TURKISH SCHOLARSHIP will not pay any contribution/tuition fee. However, Turkish Scholarship Students, whose scholarship has been terminated, pay the Contribution/Tuition Fee of the relevant academic year in the same amount as the Foreign Students.
• Among the Syrian Citizens hosted in our country due to the events in the Syrian Arab Republic, students placed in higher education institutions according to the principles determined by the Council of Higher Education, and students with
a blue card who registered within the scope of "abroad student admission quota",
From the students who are Turkish nationals who enroll within the scope of the "Quota for student admission from abroad" and who have completed their entire secondary education in a foreign country excluding the TRNC, Students who have completed their
entire secondary education in a Turkish school in a foreign country other than the TRNC, who are enrolled within the scope of the "Student Admission quota from abroad",
In primary education programs; Those who continue their education during the program period and those who have newly registered will not pay any contribution.
Among the above-mentioned students, those who are registered in the primary education programs and cannot graduate during the program pay the amount determined for foreign students.
Those registered in secondary education programs and those who will enroll in these programs must pay the amount determined for foreign students. 
• Students coming from and going abroad within the scope of Erasmus and Mevlana Exchange Programs are subject to the legislation of their own higher education institutions in terms of their obligations regarding contribution and tuition fees. Students who are students of our university and who take courses from abroad and other universities due to ERASMUS, Mevlana or Farabi will pay their tuition and tuition fees to our university.
Students enrolled in a double major program are charged a contribution fee/Tuition Fee at the end of the education period of the diploma program and an additional year. Therefore, our students;
•1-8 of the major program. are exempt from contribution/tuition fees. (Primary Education)
•In the 9th and 10th semesters of the major program; If there is a Major and DMP enrollment, the Contribution/Tuition Fee is paid for the Major. If there is only a DIA registration, no fee is paid.
•Major program 11 and above. If there is a Major and DMP registration in the semester, the contribution fee/tuition fee is paid for the Major and DMP. If there is only a DMP registration, the DMP contribution/tuition fee is paid.
• Students who have completed their education during or outside the normal program period and have only a MANDATORY SUMMER INTERNSHIP, regardless of the COURSE, do not pay the Tuition Fee. However, the First Education Students who have passed the Normal Program period and the Second and Distance Education students, regardless of the duration of the Program, who take COURSES as "VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL PRACTICE" will pay the Contribution / Tuition Fee.
• Students who only "Take a SINGLE COURSE EXAM" during the education period do not pay the Tuition Fee/Tuition Fee.
• Pursuant to the Decision of the Higher Education Council, students who want to receive education from the same level diploma programs of the units affiliated to our University while they are students of other universities, and students who are enrolled in the diploma programs of the units affiliated to our University and want to receive education from the diploma programs of another university at the same level, although they have received their diploma from the university where they have the right to enroll, cannot contribute. they pay their share/tuition fee to the University where they continue their education. Based on the Positive Decisions of the University Senate, the students who continue as PRIVATE STUDENTS in another Higher Education Institution pay the Contribution/Tuition Fee to the Higher Education Institution they are registered to.
• Those who are a graduate or student of a higher education institution and want to increase their knowledge on a particular subject can be accepted as special students for graduate courses, with the opinion of the relevant department/art/science/art branch/program head and the decision of the relevant Institute Administrative Board. Those who are accepted as PRIVATE STUDENTS are subject to the tuition fee principles of the relevant program they are registered to.
• The Time Spent by Freezing the Enrollment (relevant term(s)) is not counted as the Training Period.
• KYK EDUCATION AND SCHOLARSHIP LOANS; After the Student KYK application, he/she should follow the Education Loan or Scholarship Payment Information and status on the Institution's WEB page. It is required to notify and document all changes (change in education status, registration freeze, lateral transfer, etc.) that occur after the DECLARATION, in writing, to the General Directorate of KYK on time. Otherwise, all responsibility belongs to him according to the COMMITMENT signed. Information on education loans and scholarships given by the Higher Education Credit and Hostels Institution can be found at
• Tuition Fees and Tuition Fees are not refunded for students who REGISTER AND REGISTER voluntarily.
• Our students are required to follow the ANNOUNCEMENTS made on the website of the Registrar's Office.