E-Orientation Programs

The E-Orientation programs we organize every year for our newly registered students will continue this year with all their excitement.

What's in the E-Orientation Program?

Congratulations again to you, our dear students, for joining our family. You have now stepped into university life. From the first day of your registration until your graduation, all your work and transactions are carried out within the framework of certain rules. These rules must be observed in order to carry out your education and training processes in a healthier way. In this journey that you have just started, in order to make your education life easier, you will find answers to the questions in our students' minds, you will have information about the functioning of our university units, you will meet our academic staff who will always be with you throughout your education life, and also our Rector Prof. Dr. It is important that you participate in the E-Orientation programs, which also include an interview with Orhan AYDIN.

E-Orientation programs will be held online via Zoom. Zoom session information regarding e-Orientation will be notified to newly registered students via SMS and e-mail on the day of the sessions. You can reach the e-Orientation program flow below.

Your corporate e-mail address has been opened on your behalf by our University. Also, you do not need to open an account. 

Click here to learn your corporate e-mail address and password that you will log in using Gmail infrastructure  Click here
to learn how to log in to your corporate e-mail address  Click to enter your e-mail account  .

Click on the image to access the e-Orientation presentation.